SuperLight Photonics - Elly Schietse
Sep 14, 2023
SuperLight Photonics, a spin-off from the University of Twente, is developing a wideband laser that can serve as a 'light source' in various measurement and detection applications. Today, the company announces the completion of a seed investment round. The round is led by Dutch Deep Tech investor DeepTechXL in collaboration with Oost NL. With this investment, SuperLight Photonics will further develop its platform technology into unique products and (sub)systems.
The wideband laser is based on the patented platform technology of SuperLight Photonics founder Haider Zia. Zia was previously a researcher at the University of Twente, specializing in integrated and nonlinear optics. Unlike existing laser technology, SuperLight Photonics can use colors in light to transmit information. This technology has numerous potential applications, such as creating 3D images of eyes for opticians or aiding dermatologists in detecting skin cancer. Beyond the medical sector, laser technology can be used, for example, to detect small cracks in oil or gas pipelines or to enhance optical safety sensors in smart cars.
Cees Links, CEO of SuperLight Photonics: "Our mission is to leverage our platform technology with active support from our investors. We aim for a swift market entry, relying on the robust photonics ecosystem in the Netherlands and Twente. In the coming years, SuperLight Photonics is poised for significant growth, market establishment, and further scaling. We eagerly anticipate market responses to our upcoming product launches at the PIC Summit Europe photonics event on November 7th and 8th in Eindhoven."
Dr. Haider Zia, CTO of SuperLight Photonics: "We are delighted with our two new investors, both active within the Dutch photonics ecosystem. Their deep knowledge and extensive networks, both nationally and internationally, are an invaluable addition. They support the continued development of new knowledge within our photonics applications, emphasizing our commitment to technological advancement."
Ron Maurer, partner at DeepTechXL: "DeepTechXL is thrilled to invest in further developing SuperLight Photonics' platform technology and actively supporting CEO Cees Links and founder Haider Zia, in collaboration with Oost NL. The unique technology aligns with our goals of achieving societal objectives such as faster, more cost-effective data generation and disease detection. In the long run, it could also contribute to more energy-efficient data exchange."
Jacob Issa, investment manager Tech at Oost NL: "SuperLight Photonics is a brilliant example of innovative entrepreneurship in synergy with knowledge institutions in Twente. Through Innovatiefonds Overijssel, a fund of the Province of Overijssel managed by Oost NL, we can contribute to the solid establishment and growth of a unique photonics company. Ultimately, this technology can make a substantial contribution to critical challenges of our time in various sectors. Through further connections and collaborations with photonics companies in Twente, the Netherlands, and beyond, SuperLight Photonics can rapidly evolve in the coming years."
About DeepTechXL: www.deeptechxl.com
DeepTechXL was launched in 2022 with ASML, Philips, pension fund PME, Invest-NL, Brabantse OntwikkelingsMaatschappij (BOM), TNO, and various family offices.
'Deep Tech' is an umbrella term for transformative technologies (development and production technologies, advanced materials, photonics, and light, quantum, digital and nanotechnologies) developed in research institutions in response to major societal challenges as defined in the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals in healthcare, energy transition, sustainability, safety, and food. Deep Tech innovation enables sustainable long-term economic success and creates high-value-added jobs in the advanced high-tech manufacturing sector.
DeepTechXL has invested in six potentially groundbreaking portfolio companies: InPhocal, Alphabeats, Gilbert, Keiron, Sandgrain, and Delft Circuits, all of which aim to have a significant societal impact. The fund is actively involved and leverages its own network and access to corporate and scientific partners to add value. DeepTechXL follows a life cycle approach, supporting entrepreneurs and innovative companies from seed to follow-on investments (Series A/B/C), ultimately charting the best strategic path for the company after 5 to 10 years, as is customary in the Deep Tech investment market.
About Oost NL: www.oostnl.nl
Oost NL is a regional development agency that focuses its activities and projects on strengthening and stimulating the economy of the provinces of Gelderland and Overijssel, the Netherlands. As a partner, connector, and supporter, Oost NL provides a fertile ground for innovative entrepreneurs in Gelderland and Overijssel who are working on sustainable change and a durable future. Together, we accelerate technological innovation and innovation in food, healthcare, energy, industry, and the circular economy. We enable entrepreneurs to innovate, invest, and internationalize. We do this with public funding and our knowledge, experience, expertise, and network. With a focus on societal and economic returns. Oost NL operates on behalf of the Province of Gelderland, the Province of Overijssel, and the Ministry of Economic Affairs & Climate.
About SuperLight Photonics: www.superlightphotonics.com
SuperLight Photonics, based in Enschede, the Netherlands, is a pioneering Dutch spin-off company from the University of Twente aiming to become a leading player in wideband lasers. The platform technology finds application in various sectors, including medical applications in spectrometry, OCT, precision farming and crop monitoring, surface inspection, and pollution detection. SuperLight Photonics is at the forefront of creating Photon-IC (PIC) solutions. Capitalizing on the momentum within the photonics sector, SuperLight Photonics contributes to a technologically advanced and sustainable future.