SuperLight Photonics - Elly Schietse
Apr 18, 2024
SuperLight Photonics launches its SLP-1050, harnessing unprecedented power for enhanced industrial, research, and (bio)medical applications.
Hannover, 18 April 2024 – SuperLight Photonics, a pioneer for cutting-edge supercontinuum lasers, launches its SLP-1050 at Hannover Messe, harnessing unprecedented power for enhanced industrial, research, and (bio)medical applications.
To address the increasing demand for high-power and compact supercontinuum laser (SCG or wideband laser) solutions, SuperLight Photonics has released the SLP-1050.
Using an amplified seed laser, this supercontinuum laser is designed to deliver more than 40 mW - more than 15 times the battery-operated SLP-1000 - and a wide spectral range in the NIR-SWIR region. Just like the SLP-1000, it provides a highly coherent, stable, and low noise output. It is a small-form-factor class 3 laser with a short start-up time, no need for calibration, high uptime, and maintenance-free.
"We are thrilled to introduce the latest addition to our product lineup, the high-power alternative to the SLP-1000," stated Jeroen Biesterbos, CCO of SuperLight Photonics. "Our SLP-1050 caters to the specific needs of our customers in demanding fields like microscopy, spectroscopy, medical imaging, and optical coherence tomography (OCT). Its higher average power makes it ideal for a wide range of sensing applications in medical and material science, high-speed quality inspection, and gas sensing."
SuperLight Photonics will unveil the SLP-1050 at Hannover Messe, April 22nd-27th, 2024 and eagerly awaits market feedback.
For more information about the SLP-1050 and SuperLight Photonics, visit SuperLight Photonics or contact one of the distributors.
About SuperLight Photonics
SuperLight Photonics, based in Enschede, the Netherlands, is a pioneering Dutch spin-off company from the University of Twente aiming to become a leading player in wideband lasers. The platform technology offers solutions in various applications including spectroscopy, OCT, microscopy, tomography, and metrology serving markets in bio-medical, industrial, scientific, food, and agriculture. SuperLight Photonics is at the forefront of creating Photon-IC (PIC) solutions. Capitalizing on the momentum within the photonics sector, SuperLight Photonics contributes to a technologically advanced and sustainable future.