Latest SuperLight Photonics News
Dec 18, 2024
Press Release
SuperLight Photonics - Elly Schietse
SuperLight Photonics unveils next era of wideband laser innovation at CES 2025
SuperLight Photonics is paving the way for sustainable innovation in photonics. The company reaffirmed its strategic roadmap, cementing its position as a key player in high-sensitivity and energy-efficient photonic integrated circuits.
Nov 12, 2024
TW - Thijs Doorenbosch
Fotonica: kansen voor Nederland in opkomende industrie
Computers die werken met licht: dat klinkt nog erg futuristisch. Toch ziet de overheid de ontwikkeling van geïntegreerde fotonica en optische systemen als een van de sleuteltechnologieën voor de Nederlandse economie. Waarom werkt licht eigenlijk efficiënter dan elektriciteit? En wat kun je ermee?
Nov 5, 2024
SuperLight Photonics - Bradley Snyder
What is the correct way to measure RIN in lasers?
RIN - Relative Intensity Noise - values are crucial for measuring and enhancing the accuracy, reliability, and efficiency of photonics applications. Achieving consistently low RIN levels remains a complex challenge, especially since measuring RIN itself is far from straightforward. Inconsistencies persist, and achieving reliable, repeatable results remains an ongoing challenge. The search for effective solutions is ongoing across the industry.
Nov 5, 2024
SuperLight Photonics - Haider Zia
The mathematics of the spectral RIN measurement for pulsed lasers
This article outlines in detail how SuperLight Photonics enables spectral domain measurements for RIN.
The method described can serve as a basis to clarify the RIN technique for pulsed sources in general and the justification for the spectral domain technique.
Nov 5, 2024
SuperLight Photonics - Cees Links
The power of precision: how low noise light sources drive better performance
It is probably no surprise that brighter light brings significant advantages when it comes to high clarity and precision. But what are we talking about when we call light “noisy”, in particular when it concerns lasers?
Oct 15, 2024
Press Release
SuperLight Photonics - Elly Schietse
Hamamatsu fuels SuperLight Photonics’ mission to propel photonic innovation and global growth with strategic investment
SuperLight Photonics, a pioneer in cutting-edge laser technology, today announced the strategic investment of Hamamatsu Ventures to drive long-term synergy in laser innovation.
Sep 18, 2024
Press Release
SuperLight Photonics - Elly Schietse
SuperLight Photonics presents the SLP-0280, the world’s first of its kind compact ultrafast pulse laser
SuperLight Photonics, a pioneer in cutting-edge laser technology launches its SLP-0280, leading in ultrashort pulse lengths in a compact form factor
Sep 10, 2024
Press Release
SuperLight Photonics - Elly Schietse
SuperLight Photonics Expands Global Reach with New Strategic Partnership with KLV in Japan
SuperLight Photonics, a pioneer in cutting-edge laser technology, is pleased to announce its strategic partnership with KLV, a top-tier Japanese distributor, marking a bold step in expanding its footprint in the Asia-Pacific region. This new alliance is set to enhance the availability of SuperLight Photonics’ innovative products within Japan, a market known for its demand for state-of-the-art technology.
Apr 18, 2024
Press Release
SuperLight Photonics - Elly Schietse
More power, more light, better insight - SuperLight Photonics unveils the SLP-1050, redefining high-end supercontinuum lasers
SuperLight Photonics launches its SLP-1050, harnessing unprecedented power for enhanced industrial, research, and (bio)medical applications.
Apr 11, 2024
Press Release
SuperLight Photonics - Elly Schietse
Laser 2000 and SuperLight Photonics join forces to revolutionize European markets with wideband lasers
SuperLight Photonics, a pioneer company for cutting-edge supercontinuum lasers, is excited to announce its partnership with Laser 2000 as its distributor for Europe. This strategic collaboration marks a significant milestone in SuperLight Photonics' expansion efforts and reaffirms its commitment to delivering innovative photonics solutions to customers across Europe.
Mar 11, 2024
ipXchange - Guy Forster
Wideband laser revolutionizes spectral imaging
Read the article on the fascinating world of photonics or listen to the podcast with Cees Links. Expect the full photonics story without the technical details, discover the history, explore the applications, and look forward to the future of supercontinuum lasers.
Dec 13, 2023
Laser 2000
Portable and efficient wideband laser will drive innovation in numerous markets
How will new supercontinuum generation technology drive disruption in a wide range of markets? In this interview with the CEO and CTO of SuperLight Photonics we discover how their product will impact fields such as spectroscopy, bio-medical imaging, hyperspectrometry and many others.
Dec 13, 2023
Laser 2000
Draagbare en efficiënte breedbandlaser gaat innovatie stimuleren
Hoe zal nieuwe supercontinuüm generatietechnologie disruptie in een breed scala van markten teweegbrengen? In dit interview met de CEO en de CTO van SuperLight Photonics ontdekken we hoe hun product velden als spectroscopie, bio-medical imaging, hyperspectrometrie en vele anderen zal beïnvloeden.
Nov 7, 2023
Photonics Spectra - Haider Zia & Jaroslaw Sperling
New supercontinuum generation sources put handheld devices within reach
With the development of patterned alternating dispersion waveguides, supercontinuum sources can be made significantly more compact and efficient in a package that fits in the palm of a hand.
Oct 31, 2023
Press Release
SuperLight Photonics - Elly Schietse
SuperLight Photonics spurs innovation with the world’s first portable wideband laser
SuperLight Photonics, a pioneer company for supercontinuum lasers and technology, has launched the first revolutionary portable wideband laser, the SLP-1000. Its high-quality smooth wide spectral output offers an unrivalled light source for industrial and medical imaging applications and for the dynamic world of spectroscopy.
Oct 31, 2023
Press Release
SuperLight Photonics - Elly Schietse
SuperLight Photonics lanceert 's werelds eerste draagbare wijdband laser
SuperLight Photonics, een bedrijf met baanbrekende technologie op het gebied van supercontinuümlasers, heeft de revolutionaire SLP-1000 gelanceerd, een draagbare wijdband laser. Met een hoogwaardig, vlak en wijd spectrum biedt deze laser een ongeëvenaarde lichtbron voor industriële en medische toepassingen en voor de dynamische wereld van de spectroscopie.
Oct 31, 2023
SuperLight Photonics - Cees Links
Revolutionizing the laser landscape: SuperLight Photonics breakthrough in compact, portable, wideband lasers
SuperLight Photonics is not just introducing a product; we are pioneering an industry transition. Our compact wideband laser is a catalyst for change, encouraging various applications to embrace innovation and unlock the full potential of wideband lasers.
Oct 25, 2023
Bits & Chips - Paul van Gerven
Superlight Photonics’ ‘white’ laser set to revolutionize imaging
Enschede-based startup Superlight Photonics has developed a broadband-laser chip that can replace the bulky and power-hungry technology currently used in advanced imaging and metrology equipment.
Sep 14, 2023
Kennispark Twente
Fotonics startup SuperLight Photonics haalt seedkapitaal op met DeepTechXL & Oost NL
SuperLight Photonics, spin-off van de Universiteit Twente, ontwikkelt een wijdband laser, die als ‘lichtbron’ in onder meer meet- en detectietoepassingen kan worden gebruikt. Vandaag maakt het bedrijf bekend dat een seed investeringsronde is afgerond.
Sep 14, 2023
Press Release
SuperLight Photonics - Elly Schietse
SuperLight Photonics Secures Seed Funding in Investment Round with DeepTechXL and Oost NL
SuperLight Photonics, a spin-off from the University of Twente, is developing a wideband laser that can serve as a 'light source' in various measurement and detection applications. Today, the company announces the completion of a seed investment round. The round is led by Dutch Deep Tech investor DeepTechXL in collaboration with Oost NL. With this investment, SuperLight Photonics will further develop its platform technology into unique products and (sub)systems.
Mar 15, 2023
Photonics.com - Marie Freebody
Smaller, simpler Supercontinuum lasers illuminate a bright future
Technically complex, costly, and delicate to operate, supercontinuum lasers are a challenge to use. But both the technology and its applications are evolving, fueling future demand for these sources.
Jan 20, 2023
Haider Zia - SuperLight Photonics
Ultraefficient on-chip supercontinuum generation from sign-alternating-dispersion waveguides
Fully integrated supercontinuum sources on-chip are critical to enabling applications such as portable and mechanically stable medical imaging devices, chemical sensing, and light detection and ranging. However, the low efficiency of current supercontinuum generation schemes prevents full on-chip integration. Haider Zia provides answers to overcome this problem.